Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

I am here to write my blog because i am free and passing my Merry x'mas @ UTM. I was glad as i choose to pass it quietly with my fellow course mate and faculty mate which frm pure and aero mechanical. On the christmas eve night, we was hungry finding a restaurant for our dinner.6 of us decided to go in a place that is full of romance atmosphere restaurant. Christmas eve oh should reward urself with something special as everyone does. I ordered a set of christmas chicken chop with crab soup and tiramisu cake plus peach drink.Clever restaurant boss increase the price in this particular special date in order to chop couple but end up we six 'ma lat lou' get chopping till fresh blood come out haha...
On the christmas day morning, Vintonio ask me to go church oh...Erm he is not christian but kok lun does, consider for a while, go la because got free lunch haha and also was alone in room...Before being there i knew the activity sure is singing and have the talk about Christianity. Finally i understand that why christian celebrate christmas and some knowledge about christmas...not bad too... Performance of former UTMers
Christmas sure will have christmas gift, i received one unexpected christmas gift and also be the first of my christmas gift ever...i like it so much and hang it in front of my table so that i can see it everyday once i sit at the table.The expression of the snowman make me smile every time i look at it. I appreciate it so much and thank you. I think before of the christmas celebration atmosphere in christian country such as U.S o England.. Must be very fun and warm if celebrate over there. I receive another two christmas gift on the morning as well. one is lucky draw gift but have to answer question only can get and the other is a door gift. The question i answered is Where was jesus christ was born? Lucky i know is at manger as i concentrate to their activity.
My special Christmas gift
Feel great,warm and appreciate of everyday life...

Sunday, December 20, 2009

4th semester

This is the first week of my 4th semester, I was passing my week according to what I have planned. During the three week of NAVY training I was so free and my mind was empty. What I everyday done when on that training is to plan for my life. I think is the time for me to become mature and grow up now. Remember when I was teenage I tend to act like an adult and everyone told me that u are so conservative, after that during form six I transformed my living style to be more playful and funny but end up until now I still in the state of playful mind. Erm…21st liao is time to start your journey, to be a gentleman and stable pursuing great dream.(life no second chance, time is gold,)
A healthy mind comes with a healthy life style. Plan your life and you will feel that life is so meaningful without wasting time and blaming. Love is the part of our life, to really clear about love it takes time. There is a gal ask me what is the reason of having partner while in university? At that time I really don’t know how to answer because i was conquered by the playful mind and enjoying live like no worries. Then she asked me again, izzit having a gal’s friend is just to accompanying you for dinner and make you feel not lonely? From that time I really think that what she said is right. I try hard to find out the answer and observed every couple in the university. I gave myself a conclusion, ya if you having a gal’s friend you will just miss out the time crazing with course mate and the time for yourself enjoying uni life.
Few reason that always floating in my mind is having gal’s friend just wasting time, wasting money, wasting energy and torture yourself. But recently I find out that I was wrong and this little excuse is no longer effective to me anymore when you fall in love.
I read an email sent by her of how to distinguish between like and love. This really wake me up that I no longer like her but is…. First time I m tackling gals with patient and never think being together until both are stable. The path I choose is hard I know and the journey for me to success to be a pilot is more hard. I didn’t wish to be together with her quickly but the spirit and encouraging of her few words make me feel everything with me. I hope that this small little feeling can grow up naturally and healthily as my sense tell me that this time your feeling is correct and the choice is brilliant as well. I just give my love to fate and my destiny for myself. Love cant force because it deal with both party but my dream…will never give up >.<

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Three weeks of training plus one week of holiday

From 16 of nov til 5 of dec, I was undergoing palapes navy training at utm and lumut KDSI 1. Before I start the training I was accompanying my course mate visiting penang island and I be their tour guide. This trip was interesting and fun. Two night they stayed at my house ,one night at xian house and another one at hotel sri saying batu ferringi . About 4pm we were boarding at the body of A320 AirAsia flight from penang to JB. The weather condition looks like not with us at that time and we hit by severe thunderstorm and the plane was slightly flutter .The time I reach my hostel K11 is 6pm and I was seeing them entering mass for their dinner. After that I was rushing to prepare all my uniform that haven iron and start shining my black cut. About 7pm they all rushing to room preparing for night round. I also prepare as well for the night round but I haven have dinner and my hair haven cut so I didn’t join for the night round. A lonely night over tmn u having dinner and cutting my hair at an Indian barber shop. Once I go back and haven bath I was called up for fitting No.1 uniform and later on get punishment form GI (Gunnery instructor). Training goes on as usual wake up at 5am and fall in at 545am. This is the routine at UTM ,the routine at KDSI was different ,4am have to wakey wakey (wake up) and 430am have to muster(fall in) 5am start our EMA(early morning activity) .
During the time at KDSI 1, we seldom get hard punishment and their main focus was in lecture coz next year we have to undergo practical d….The weather was really hot, I was tan til like a malay guy and if I was mix with all malay fellow nobody will recognize me as Chinese. I had two new name during the training. At utm Army staff was calling me Hussien and at KDSI 1 NAVY instructor calling me Ahmad wei. WTF la….haha…Really hard to pass, physically and mentality exhausted. I learnt a lot during the training and also know that is not easy to be a navy. Although a navy can sail around the world but the process to be an officer is totally suck…feel pity and sad for the regular coz their training is totally tough. This training change me a lot, I become more discipline people and more mature when facing problems. The feeling of stable due to I was in the tension mood for three weeks. When come out everything was just small matter. Made some friends from others university, umt,usm,upm,uum and um…all are good friend hehe…hope to see you guys next year. Shore leave at KDSI 1 haha, every time shore leave also went to ah yan house to sleep coz too tired d…
Back to home story, as usual always be people driver haha…drive here drive there. But luckily I got my own time writing blog and dating someone once I go back. We have lot of conversation and having a movie. Although the movie was damn bored but I didn’t feel bored and happy together wit her. Hope that she is feeling as well.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Holidays of a Navy man

Erm...maybe this is my last post of this semester already. This semester past really fast. just like a flashing of light and a flipping of eye. I still remember the time i fly to jb and also my 1st time of flying...the feeling is still here...this semester really change me a good also got bad...nothing is perfect. the next day i have one more paper that is manufacturing...after that i straight away going back home accompanying course mate visiting penang island. After finish mechanic of solid paper i clean up my room and pack all my stuff in to boxes for clearing room purpose...although i have training in the college next week but we still need to clear the room as we have an agenda of so called night round that make sure our room is in tidy and clean condition...that stupid night round is damn very fussy , every time after we back to room we need to mop the floor and all the desk ,cabin and every single piece of thing in the room...
if the officer find out some dust then variety of punishment will be kena haha...
I am going to be torture and abuse by the officer next week and the duration of training is one week at uni and two week at head quarter(FOC). I hate side roll coz it makes me suffering from the feeling of vomiting. i wont vomit but others will so the smell make me feel disgusting and going to vomit as well. two days roll once enough then my head will be feeling like spinning every moment ...that is what a navy guy need to take.
An more interesting story will be written out when i finish training...hiax...back to this semester story, erm..i knew to play forex (an introduction only), and made a lot of sei tong @ zhong qiu out there...I make a regretful thing during zhong heart was so narrow that i dun like angie covering her friends and try to negotiate wit me abt stall problem...that is just a small matter but wider the gaps btw me and her...finally i realize tht i was wrong and should not because of this tiny thing let her suffering all the hardship in preparing of the lantern event. I should always give her full support and giving big hand when she needs. But i really dun know what should help coz she never shares her problem wit us...haix...dun talk this liao ...her scar will never gone when the incident happened during fake preview. One more lesson for me also, never target on some one is still in the period of recovery coz anytime she will back to her ex. Thats all, Hope the coming semester i would be more enriching. As the time constrain , my language use also blur haha...if there is any grammar mistake o spelling pls do correct me in the bar chat. Happy holiday to all and Mr john...dream to a pilot will never cool down

Saturday, October 24, 2009

That is what i wants ?

Fear comes and goes~Every time final exam is approaching ,my heart beat start speed up the beat...When everyone really start into fighting mood i'm still in moody situation. Is this a real you like the past? I have fun with all my bud but i never have fun with myself~ What is the happiness that i really want? Totally out of word to express...I want a warm relationship and a comfortable life, but now every time i start to think of love i scare of breaking and hurt~ I also dun knw how to cure myself and how m i going to consult someone and finding cure. Life is all about making decision.
Choices that i m making now influence everything in the future~ FOREX...should i trust u and really into u? That is a big scarification on your study john, dream ,love and future. I should make a choice now...standing in the middle of a york choosing the right way to proceed... This is making life decision. I should choose forex .

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Promotion of navy and start of the dream

Previously on this few days, i was doing the things and i like to do. study for this semester is quite free as all our project and assignment finish before test 2. On the last saturday i was hesitating of whether wana apply for the currently AirAsia cadet pilot recruitment. Finally decision have made and i have sent the resume and cover letter through online application. This is my golden chance although AirAsia was not my dream Airline but that is one of the subsidization of cadet pilot as well. I will improve myself drastically and prepare well upon called up to interview. Flight simulator training that i cant miss out on the preparation.
On 20th of OCT (yesterday), woke up at morning and shine my shine black cut leather shoes and iron my delta uniform smoothly.After have been joining Malaysia reserved Navy for one years plus, finally a promotion session has held at KD SRI MEDINI Tebrau naval base. The journey from Cadet to junior midshipment is such a hardship and tougher life. Pass in the fear and work everything to serve senior during training. In NAVY seniority is very addressed, no mater what also we also have to respect senior. Alfa routine which all the cadet of Navy should follow, ther is six rules such as cadet have to run upon see the sky, every step in counting such as salute, march and etc, eating square,drinking square, button up and move in a group. Life as a Navy is not an easier thing. That is totally difference from what i have joint during secondary school as school youth cadet.
DELTADog-tag Navy
Now, as a junior midshipment still have a long journey to go. Start worrying of the coming soon training ACT at headquarter base. What i heard from senior is much much tougher than we usual trained at UTM ACT. Whatever hardship come just come, i will never scare if it. rolling, push up, jumping set, starjump ,and........treat it as piece of cake hehe....What i wan from NAVY is an experience ,shooting wit GPMG, M16, AUG steyr and etc ...sailing experience that i most desire is coming soon
AUG Steyr

Thursday, October 8, 2009


3 test continuous that is really hard to take it... last saturday and sunday which is lantern festival ...i was so busy on preparing and arranging of stall selling. Tired, exhausted and fatigue what i gotta were sweet memory and a geng of brother and sister hehe...we really didnt differentiate who is responsible on this and who is responsible on that, what were in our mind is to succeed the event.
Today i m quite free as i m still lazy to start preparing for my next test o can be say as last test for this semester d. I just dont know why i keep on feeling tired and sleepy although i m doing nothing, maybe is mentality recovery after tension period.
Every event happen sure got matter behind it, sometimes i really sad of someone not really join into us and act lonely. I try to pull in but human is different in characteristic.
ok well, off this topic and i also no mood to talk about it.
How m i feeling recently ?
I always feel that i m not serious into everything, why i have this type of feeling ?
No idea hehe...but i have confident that everything i wan to do, i will do it better.
Time pass just like a flipping moment, i almost didnt realize that this semester is going off d...Next week will be the last week of my third semester, is time for me to review target that i set before.
My 1st target was to concentrate on my studies and to get 4 flat, i think i fail this.
2nd was to improve my english, well in the start of the semester i really did it but after busying on zhong qiu i fail to read english articles everyday.
3rd was to build body...seem like nothing improve haha...
Haix...all not really into plan, but never mind i will try to do it in the last week and fight for my exam. About my feeling after zhong qiu with someone...i dun heart start falling again...its need time to prove does it really o not.
About my dream, the passion will never down, i will practice back the skill on flight simulator and crazy on aviation stuff.