Showing posts with label Materials Engineering. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Materials Engineering. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Fuselage Material Selection

As my Subject assignment requirement, my group has draw a title of Materials selection of commercial fuselage which also the title i am wishing.

Well, what is the main criteria when selecting a material for fuselage?

Off course, we have first consider the fuselage requirement. For fuselage the main requirement is the material properties which it can withstand the fuselage function.
The properties requirement such as:

Fatigue resistance
Fracture toughness
Compressive strength
Tensile strength
Shear strength

That is a lot of factors to consider and choose when selecting a material for a product or component. Weight factor, performance index, value engineering and etc.

That will be too much if i blah so much on my study haha.

For sure the latest aircraft such as B787 is using composite material for the fuselage.

For the next part about the development of fuselage will be post next. Stay tune!