On the christmas day morning, Vintonio ask me to go church oh...Erm he is not christian but kok lun does, consider for a while, go la because got free lunch haha and also was alone in room...Before being there i knew the activity sure is singing and have the talk about Christianity. Finally i understand that why christian celebrate christmas and some knowledge about christmas...not bad too...
Performance of former UTMers
Christmas sure will have christmas gift, i received one unexpected christmas gift and also be the first of my christmas gift ever...i like it so much and hang it in front of my table so that i can see it everyday once i sit at the table.The expression of the snowman make me smile every time i look at it. I appreciate it so much and thank you. I think before of the christmas celebration atmosphere in christian country such as U.S o England.. Must be very fun and warm if celebrate over there. I receive another two christmas gift on the morning as well. one is lucky draw gift but have to answer question only can get and the other is a door gift. The question i answered is Where was jesus christ was born? Lucky i know is at manger as i concentrate to their activity.Feel great,warm and appreciate of everyday life...
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