When it come down to security, nothing is guarantee. But what you can do is to bring the risk down to the minimal. Even Billionaire can go broke if they didn't plan properly.
Most of the people depends on single sources of income which is working or business. But does this secure enough ? The answer is definitely not... The recent pandemic was a wake up call for all the trade.
We need multiple-source of income and best it can be passive income.
Adapting to change is the biggest challenge face nowadays. We cant blame millennium of having mindset of not working hard enough for a work. This is not their world, they being brought up with seeing youtuber millionaire, crypto millionaire, influencer etc and all this group is younger generation.
You need a change if you are reading this from 80s and before generation.
I have accepted crypto 3 years ago but i have many doubt of its feasibility. You need to do homework and study which are the project that are really potential.
I dont simply buy any altcoin, I buy only when u saw their project is potential and feasible.
Dont have money to start? earn it... you can easily earn it through brave browser.
I will write more about how to earn it and earn it fast ...soon