Erm...once everyone see this will wonder m i lazy for the previous time ? haha...actually is not lazy all the time but sometimes i do. Why i suddenly think of blogging this title is because last month i was attending a boy brigade concert @ penang sri pinang, there is one pastor delivering motivation speech to the teenage there.
The pastor keep telling the audience there with a powerful voice ' Just dont be lazy'
Can u hear tht? 'Just Dont be Lazy'...He also gave a lot of example why people should not lazy in their life in order to success...just a very simple word that everyone knows but does everyone practice it?
Erm...this word vividly impress my mind and until now i still can hear he is shooting beside me haha...When i think of this word i smile on my own means i should not be lazy anymore... I m doing better recently...
There is also one lecturer that gave us some inspiration word during his 1st lec, wat he told us was very simple, when u r in ur room tht is who u really r ...Do u tidy ur room ? fold ur clothes ? arrange ur time properly ? If u once open ur door and u sound 'shit' then u really shit...haha funny lecturer but is cool~ i totally agree, a person who do not know how to manage this all small tiny stuff how are u going to handle big project ? Gigantic company that even more thing to tidy and now, just start practicing with a discipline yet busy life and u will find out that is totally not hard to keep yourself and room clean all the time...Hehe..i have been mumbling here too long...Oh ghost, i have been stopping follow up aviation news...That is not right, i should keep up.
Good in financial knowledge and also never forget your dream...i knew it!!!:-)
Last and foremost, The is no man fail in their life, just only who give up to strive for it. Cheer always